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Tulevat retriitit
Sacred Renewal
Death & Rebirth
death & rebirth

Embodied Awakening Retreats: Sacred Renewal

Tervetuloa nauttimaan kevään vehreydestä ja viiden päivän inspiroivasta ja uudistavasta retriitistä Lammin kauniilla maaseudulla.

Retriitillä nautimme alkukesän loistosta ja hiljaisuuden mysteeristä. Tervetuloa tutustumaan tai syventämään kokemuksellista oivallusta tantrisen perinteen energiakeho-harjoituksista, eli somaattisesta psyykkeestämme. Retriitin harjoitukset tukevat sisäistä resilienssiä ja voimaantumista.

Välillä tarvitsemme tauon arjesta ja totutuista rutiineista, jotta syvempi näkemys omaan elämään voi luonnollisesti avautua. Intuition sanaton kutsu kumpuaa mielen takaa elävästä hiljaisuudesta. Kun lepäämme suorassa kokemuksessa, keho ja mieli saa mahdollisuuden purkaa kasautunutta jännitystä ja virittäytyä luonnolliseen hyvinvointiin. Aistit ovat porttimme ajattomaan läsnäolon virtaan.

Herääminen on aina tässä ja nyt. Tämä on kutsu sinulle laskeutua vaivattomaan lepoon kaiken kokemuksen sydämessä.


Retriitin kantavia teemoja:

*Inspiroivia meditaatioita shaiva tantran perinteestä

*Työkaluja heräämisen prosessiin

*Hiljaisuuden uudistava voima

*Aisteissa lepääminen

*Transformatiivinen tunnetyöskentely

*Intuitiivinen liike

*Päivittäinen vahvistava ja restoratiivinen jooga

*Ecstatic Dance Ceremony

*Ravitseva ja palauttava yhteisöllisyys


The day breaks through me. I am a window in the Universe for the nameless reality.”

— A.H. Almaas


Retriitillä käytetyt menetelmät pohjaavat vetäjien pitkään kokemukseen ja laaja-alaiseen osaamiseen itsetuntemuksen, traumasensitiivisen terapian, tietoisuustaitojen, joogan, klassisen tantran, liikkeen, hengitystyöskentelyn, kehollisuuden ja meditaation kentillä.


Harjoitusten lomassa on vapaa-aikaa syventää yhteyttä itseen, käydä kuljeskelemassa lähimetsissä, levätä ja viettää aikaa yhdessä. Sauna on lämmin joka päivä. Nautimme retriitillä rakkaudella valmistettua eettistä kasvisruokaa!

22.5. - 26.5 (Ke - Su)
Saapuminen to klo 16 alkaen. Virallinen ohjelma alkaa klo 18.00.
Lopetus su viimeistään klo 18.00.


**Earlybird** (15.4.2023 asti) 555€/460€ (opiskelijat ja työttömät).
Sen jälkeen 655€/560€

(Osallistumismaksun voi tarvittaessa maksaa kolmessa erässä)
Hinta sisältää ohjelman, majoituksen, kolme ateriaa päivässä, iltapalan ja saunan joka päivä.

Voit ilmoittautua mukaan alla olevasta registration painikkeesta, tai lähettämällä sähköpostin:

Ota rohkeasti yhteyttä, jos sinulla on mitään kysyttävää.






Tarjolla on kolme herkullista kasvisateriaa päivässä: monipuolinen aamiainen, ravitseva lounas sekä päivällinen. Nälkäisille on tarjolla myös iltapalaa iltaohjelman loputtua.


Lammin buddhalainen retriittikeskus tarjoaa tunnelmallisen ja seesteisen ympäristön retriitille. Vanhasta kyläkoulusta kunnostettu keskus sijaitsee peltojen ja metsän keskellä, reilun tunnin ajomatkan päässä Helsingistä. Keskuksesta löytyy muutamia erilaisia majoitusvaihtoehtoja, joista saat lisää informaatiota rekisteröitymisen yhteydessä. Lisää tietoa Lammin keskuksesta löydät täältä:


Viivi Jokela & Gloria Salo

Viivi Jokela facilitates embodied awakening in people who are inclined in that way. She shares the universal wisdom of nonduality, free from any specific tradition or ideology. Her own background is in nondual shaiva tantra, which she first encountered academically at a young age, and later on experientially. She has a deep love and appreciation for this beautiful lineage and its living transmission which has intertwined with her path in mysterious ways.

Viivi offers direct approach to realization, grounded on experiential insight on the aspects of awakening. She invites you to inquire into and recognize the awe-striking immediate, inherently awake radiance of your own being and of all being.



Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

Kaikki kyselyt:
Gloria: 0407393874 (WA)

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Embodied Wholeness
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Welcome to the Embodied Wholeness Retreat! Join us and open to the magic of the human experience; the beauty of authentic connection and the healing depth of integrating all our different parts into an integral whole!

We are all on a journey to wholeness. Wholeness is the experience of embracing and welcoming all of who we are in our own loving awareness. This means being loving and present to every aspect of ourselves, especially those parts that are hardest to love.

Through compassionate integration, we can more and more embody an unified sense of being as an experiential process of connecting to our deepest values, expressing them and living them in our choices.

This retreat will be dedicated to self-connection that supports authentic and meaningful ways of living and relating. Our authenticity is an expression of our freedom: being and acting from who we really are. It takes courage and awareness to express and live our core values in relationships, work and daily life. We will practice yoga, tantra, Living Compassion and emotional integration methods to cultivate deep connection and wholeness on all levels.

At the retreat we will experience:

Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Living Compassion
Shadow work
Deep integrative emotional alchemy
Power of ritual
Circle work
Yoga & Meditation
Delicious vegetarian food
Sauna & nature
Ecstatic Dance
Nordic Midsummer Magic


Living Compassion - Emotional Integration

We will practice different ways to connect with our inner world in a compassionate way. Living Compassion is a Nonviolent Communication based work that empowers you to be your own guide. The foundation of this work is to bring loving presence to all of our parts, the shadows and unconscious aspects of our psyche, which we haven’t fully loved until now. In these sessions we start to embrace our emotional pain instead of avoiding it, and see it as an important guide that helps us reintegrate parts of ourselves that most need our loving attention.

Practices include deep self-compassion, empowering self-responsibility and tracing any experience, however difficult, back to our essence, from where all our emotions arise. These methods are grounded in full awareness and presence with all our bodily sensations, emotional energies, thoughts that arise and the underlying value of all of these. This unconditional and empathic space to experience all of ourselves brings us more and more into wholeness.

You are warmly welcome to join us for a week of loving presence, beauty of nature and authentic community.


We will stay in a beautiful retreat centre in the quiet countryside of southern Finland. An old village school building situated in the middle of fields and forests will offer generous space to practice and rest. The venue provides an atmosphere of calm and simplicity with beautiful surroundings that invite for walks and contemplation. There are different options for accommodation that will be chosen during the registration. For more detai
ls, please visit:


We will have three meals a day including breakfast, lunch and dinner, and an evening snack. Our catering is taken care of by an amazing culinary crafter. She will cook us delicious vegetarian/vegan and gluten free food during the whole retreat. Water boilers, coffee and tea will be supplied all day.


The retreat begins Wednesday 19.6.2023 and participants can arrive from 16:00 onwards. The official program begins at 18:00.
The retreat ends Sunday 23.6.2023 after lunch and clean up.


**Earlybird** price (until 15.4.2024) 590€/490€ (full time students and unemployed). After this 690€/590€. The price includes the retreat program for 5 days, accommodation, four meals per day and sauna every night (payment plans available for those with low income).

To reserve your place please send an email to:

or use the registration button below

If you have any further inquiries, don't hesitate to contact us!





Mironel de Wilde:

Mironel is a certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and an RYT200 certified yoga teacher. He has studied and practiced various forms of spiritual and personal growth since he was a teenager in the 1990’s and committed to yoga as a spiritual path in 2001. He began teaching yoga in 2004 and has trained and taught across Europe, Asia and North America. His first contact with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in 2014 changed his life perspective. He has been living and sharing NVC since then and continues to study in depth with some of the most experienced and innovative NVC trainers in the world.

Mironel strives to live in full authenticity, compassion and empowerment.
He is now based in Nepal working to train trainers for NVC in schools, mediation and counselling. He comes to Europe for special occasions such as this offering!

He is also a film-maker and you can see more of his offerings, articles and films at

Gloria Salo:

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